Do some days seem too much to handle?
Running from one errand to another?
Finding yourself shuffling between the needs of the family and business while forgetting your own?
Working on keeping overwhelm and anxiety at bay?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are a woman on the go. This society is moving at the speed of light. In order to remain at your best take one or more of the following coaching tips to heart:
1. Less is More:
Apply this saying to almost anything in life and you’ll find ease. De-cluttering both physically and mentally brings space and calm.
Think: Where can I downsize to bring more peace into my life?
2. DON’T give up on your Dreams:
You might be busy but remember what makes you sing. Keep passion and joy in your life. Carving out time weekly for that special project or hobby leaves you with a sense of personal accomplishment.
3. Create a SELF CARE PLAN:
We all mean to exercise, eat well and get proper sleep but then life happens. Having a concrete schedule of when you fit in creates success. Make appointments with yourself and keep them!
4. Prioritize:
We hear this one all the time but it is true. Instead of carrying around the weight of a huge To Do list, set yourself 3 priorities for the day. Allow your mind to let go of all the rest. Next day, new priorities. Remember to put joyful family connection as one of your priorities per day.
5. Cook in abundance:
If you’re making hamburgers, make an extra batch and freeze them. That’s two meals in one cooking session. Repurpose the leftover chicken for a stir-fry tomorrow night. This tip leads into the next…
6. Keep things simple:
The simpler the better. When time opens up for you in the future you can do things with more detail. For now focus on the beauty of simplicity.
7. Let it be…Let it go:
Whatever is plaguing you with guilt and anguish, let it be and let it go. There is no perfection in the human realm and driving yourself crazy doesn’t help anyone, especially you. Physical things will get messy. Emotionally there will be havoc from time to time. Spiritually you may not be on the level you aspire to because “life happens” and things get in the way.
This is life. Things happen. People mix up their schedules. Misplace things. We lock our keys in the car. Bump into the side of the garage as we back out. Forget to get the ink for the computer after spending an hour at the office supply store.
Life is not perfect but it is good. As a woman on the go myself I have to constantly remind myself why I’m here on this planet and what I want to accomplish on my mission. Every day counts. Every day I prioritize and go for what really matters.
8. Last but not least for the woman on the go, REST. Rest revitalizes and rejuvenates. Something has to give if we push ourselves to the limit. Take a tea break, put your feet up on the couch, take a big breath in and release.
Good luck in your adventures. Remember to analyze, strategize and take positive action for you!